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Healthcare Considerations for the Pregnant and Postpartum Patient
Normal Changes, Complications, and Implications for Care

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  • You must score 70% or better to pass this test.
  • Select one answer for each question.
  • Review your selections before submitting the test for grading.
Test Question

1. Which obstetric complaint seen in the emergency department may indicate a high-risk condition associated with pregnancy?

Test Question

2. During the second trimester, a patient complains of dizziness/feeling faint when rising to standing. Which physiologic process is this most likely related to?

Test Question

3. For a patient who is pregnant, increases in alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) levels can be:

Test Question

4. Which phrase would be included in the definition of spontaneous abortion or miscarriage?

Test Question

5. Which antenatal intervention is contraindicated for a patient with a suspected placenta previa?

Test Question

6. Which maternal symptom best distinguishes placenta previa from placental abruption?

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7. The nurse caring for the patient who is pregnant and hospitalized for gestational hypertension carefully monitors the patient for severe headache, epigastric pain, and:

Test Question

8. Which significant complication should be carefully monitored in the newborn who is born to a patient with gestational diabetes?

Test Question

9. Which is the most common identifiable risk factor associated with preterm prelabor rupture of membranes (PPROM)?

Test Question

10. For which reason would glucocorticoids be given to a patient experiencing preterm labor?

Test Question

11. A patient experienced premature rupture of membranes during pregnancy and had internal fetal monitors placed during labor. She later delivered via C-section. Twelve hours after delivery, the patient’s heart rate is 104 beats/min and her lochia smells foul. Which condition would the nurse suspect is occurring with this patient?

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