Case Management Continuing Education Courses
Case Management CEU. Pre-approved for nurse case managers.
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Asthma Patient Care
Increase your knowledge of how to plan, deliver, and evaluate evidence-based preventative and therapeutic care for patients at risk for asthma and patients who have asthma. Nursing Contact Hours: 10 |
$49.00 | |
Cardiac Patient Care: Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)
Caring for patients with or at risk for CAD. Course covers pathophysiology, clinical forms, risk factors and prevention measures, assessment and diagnosis, complications and comorbidities, emergency treatment, and management of acute and chronic coronary artery disease. Nursing Contact Hours: 9 |
$49.00 | |
Cultural Competency Training
Effective and respectful care of patients belonging to different populations. Includes health risk factors and clinical implications, best practices regarding patient information, communication, and legal issues. Meets 2024 Nevada BON requirement as per AB267. Nursing Contact Hours: 4 |
$40.00 | |
Dementia: Alzheimer's Disease Patient Care
Learn about risk factors, possible preventive measures, clinical manifestations, and the disease process of Alzheimer's disease. Increase your knowledge of appropriate therapeutic interventions and strategies for addressing the effects of the disease, and methods of providing effective support for caregivers. Nursing Contact Hours: 10 |
$49.00 | |
Diabetes Care: Prevention and Clinical Care of Diabetic Foot Ulcers
Care for individuals at risk for developing foot ulcers as a complication of diabetes; assessing and treating patients with diabetic foot ulcers, including foot assessment, off-loading, management, and amputation. Nursing Contact Hours: 9 |
$47.00 | |
Ethics for Case Managers: CCMC Board-Certified Case Manager CE
REQUIRED FOR Case Managers/CCM: Pre-approved by CCMC for 4 hours of ethics CE. Covers incorporating ethical principles and behaviors into the practice of healthcare case management; professional conduct code for case managers; general overview of civil and criminal law; ethical factors in end-of-life care, involuntary hospitalization, and suicide risk. Nursing Contact Hours: 4 |
$40.00 | |
Lung Cancer
Epidemiology, pathophysiology, risk factors, and etiology of lung cancer. Discuss different types, treatment, rehabilitation, and complications. Nursing Contact Hours: 6 |
$39.00 | |
Pain Management: Assessment and Patient Care for Nurses and Other Healthcare Professionals
Managing pain: understanding the experience and physiology of pain, elements of a comprehensive pain assessment, interventions and strategies, roles and guidelines for providers, ethical concerns, and issues related to opioids. Nursing Contact Hours: 8 |
$45.00 | |
Stroke: Comprehensive Acute Stroke Care
Stroke CEU for nurses and other healthcare providers. Stroke prevention, signs and symptoms. Different types of stroke, NIHSS stroke scale, prehospital/ED evaluation, nursing care, treatment, management, and initial rehabilitation goals. Nursing Contact Hours: 9 |
$49.00 | |
Wound Care
Types of wounds and phases of wound healing; assessment, treatment, and management of acute and chronic wounds. Covers infection, impediments to healing, care for specific types of wounds, advanced treatment modalities, and patient education. Nursing Contact Hours: 10 |
$39.00 |