The Massachusetts Board of Registration in Nursing protects the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of the Commonwealth through the fair and consistent application of the statutes and regulations that govern nursing practice and nursing education.
Nurses (LPN, RN, APRN) in Massachusetts are required by law to renew their licenses by their birthday every two years.
What is the deadline for Massachusetts nurses to renew their license?

- For registered nurses (RN) and advanced practice nurses (APRN), licenses expire on your birthday in even-numbered years (2022, 2024, etc.).
- For licensed practical nurses (LPN), licenses expire on your birthday in odd-numbered years (2021, 2023 etc.).
All MA nurses can renew with the Massachusetts Board of Nursing up to 90 days before their birthday either online or by mail.
There are no longer paper licenses. Please check your license online only and include “RN” or “LN” before your license number without any spaces.
What are the fees for nursing license renewal in 2021?
- The LPN nursing license renewal fee is $120.
- The RN nursing license renewal fee is $120.
- The APRN nursing license renewal fee is $180.
- Late fees of $57 apply if you renew after your birthday.
How many hours of continuing education (CEUs) do I need to renew my nursing license in Massachusetts in 2021?

- All licensed nurses in MA must complete 15 contact hours of continuing nursing education per renewal period.
- There are no CE requirements for your first renewal.
- 2 contact hours of Domestic and Sexual Violence Training (Chapter 260) are mandatory within the 2 years before you are required to renew your license. This course is provided by the Board.
Nurses (LPN, RN, APRN) in Massachusetts are required by law to renew their licenses by their birthday every two years.
2021 COVID-19 Nursing License Renewal Update

In accordance with COVID-19 Order No. 41, signed by Governor Baker on June 26, 2020, if your license was due to expire on or after March 10, 2020, and you have not yet renewed your license, your license will now expire on June 30, 2021. In order to avoid the expiration of your license, you may take one of the following two actions:
- Log on to Mass. Department of Public Health Online Licensing and renew your license as normal. Any applicable late fee will be waived.
- Submit a paper renewal application for the COVID-19 State of Emergency only. This renewal has no fee, and you will not need to meet renewal requirements. The renewal will expire 90 days after the termination of the State of Emergency. Please see the COVID licensing webpage above for your Board to locate the required documents.
If your license expired prior to March 10, 2020, and you are still within the window for late renewal, you may take one of the following two actions:
- Submit a paper renewal application for the COVID-19 State of Emergency only. This renewal has no fee, and you will not need to meet renewal requirements. The renewal will expire 90 days after the termination of the State of Emergency. To take this action, click here.
- Log on to Mass. Department of Public Health Online Licensing and complete a late renewal. The late fee will be waived. You will still be required to pay the regular license renewal fee and meet licensure renewal continuing education requirements. This renewed license will expire in ordinary course.
Where can I get my MA nursing CEUs?
Wild Iris Medical Education is accredited by the ANCC (American Nurse Credentialing Center) to provide continuing nursing education. All of our nursing CEU courses are accepted by the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Nursing for credit.
The Domestic and Sexual Violence Training must be taken directly on the Board’s website.
What is the difference between CH (contact hour) and CEU (continuing education unit)?
A Continuing Education Unit (CEU) is a nationally recognized unit of measure. There are 10 contact hours (CH) in each CEU. As per the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Nursing, 1 CH equals 50 clock minutes.
A nurse licensed in Massachusetts is required to earn 15 CH during each renewal timeframe. Only CHs earned within the 2 years before your license renewal date will satisfy the requirement.
Is Massachusetts a compact state?
No. If you’re a nurse with an out-of-state license who wants to practice in Massachusetts, you must be licensed by the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Nursing. Massachusetts does not issue temporary licenses and does not take part in the Nurse Licensure Compact (NLC).
How can I stay up to date on any new continuing education requirements?
It is recommended to check the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Nursing website directly to stay abreast of any updates or changes to licensing and continuing education requirements.
If you’re looking to explore nursing assistant jobs, you can find opportunities both locally and abroad on Jooble.
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About Wild Iris Medical Education:
Wild Iris Medical Education, Inc., is a privately held, woman-owned company providing online healthcare continuing education. In 1998, we began offering online ANCC-accredited nursing continuing education courses and since then have expanded to provide CEUs for occupational therapists, physical therapists, paramedics, EMTs, and other healthcare professionals.
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High-quality, accredited, evidenced-based continuing education courses in an easy-to-use format designed for learning, from Wild Iris Medical Education. We’ve been providing online CE since 1998.