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Kentucky Nursing CEU - Mandatory Courses

Kentucky Nursing License Renewal Information

Kentucky State
Accredited and Approved

ANCC Accredited Nursing CE Provider
Women Owned Business

Kentucky State-Mandated Courses

A colorful puzzle with missing pieces representing Alzheimer’s Disease. Dementia: Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis, Treatment, and Care NEW

course star rating - 4.9 stars 4.9 stars

Mandated for IL, KY, MA and RI: Diagnosis, management, care and communication strategies for patients with Alzheimer's disease. Includes pharmacologic and medical treatments.

1 $10.00
Two sets of hands forming a protective circle around paper doll cut outs on a wooden table representing protection of a family and Kentucky State outline Domestic Violence Education for Kentucky Nurses

course star rating - 4.9 stars 4.9 stars

Mandatory Kentucky Nursing CEU. Understand the impact of domestic violence, abuse, and intimate partner violence (IPV) and the role of the Kentucky nurse in identifying and responding to patients presenting with known or suspected domestic violence signs and symptoms, including mandatory KY reporting and referral.

3 $30.00
Twenty-eight different young and old people group headshots in collage, men, women representing implicit bias in healthcare Implicit Bias Training for Nurses and Other Healthcare Professionals

course star rating - 4.9 stars 4.9 stars

Identify the characteristics of implicit bias, its possible impacts on healthcare outcomes, and strategies aimed at reducing implicit bias in the healthcare setting. Meets mandates for many states including CA, IL, KY, MI, MD and WA.

2 $20.00
Illustrated drawing of a baby being shaken with the head depicted in multiple stages of movement showing head trauma and the Kentucky state outline Pediatric Abusive Head Trauma CE for Kentucky Nurses: Prevent and Report Shaken Baby Syndrome NEW

course star rating - 4.9 stars 4.9 stars

REQUIRED FOR KENTUCKY NURSES Fulfills the Kentucky Board of Nursing CE requirement for 1.5 hours of continuing education on recognizing and preventing pediatric abusive head trauma (PAHT), including shaken baby syndrome.

1.5 $20.00
Suicide Risk and Prevention for Kentucky Nurses Suicide Risk and Prevention for Kentucky Nurses

course star rating - 4.9 stars 4.9 stars

Kentucky Board of Nursing 2 ANCC contact hour mandated course on Suicide Prevention for patients and nurses at risk.

2 $20.00

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Kentucky License Renewal Information

Nursing CEU Requirements

KY BON requires continuing nursing education (CNE) for all nurses. 14 contact hours of continuing competency activities are required within the yearly earning period of November 1 through October 31.

Mandatory CE courses available:
3 hours on Domestic Violence:
Domestic Violence Education for Kentucky Nurses
2 hours on Pediatric Abusive Head Trauma (Shaken Baby Syndrome):
Pediatric Abusive Head Trauma CE for Kentucky Nurses

RN, LPN, and APRN licenses renew annually by October 31.

Updated: June 2020, for details, always refer to the Kentucky BON.

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